Controlling invasive mosquitoes in public spaces: Reducing the risk of disease transmission through sustainable measures.


Global warming and international travel have brought Asian Tiger Mosquitos to Europe, including Switzerland. Those mosquitoes spread Dengue and Zika, posing a significant risk of disease. Traditional methods are ineffectual and hazardous. There is currently no national solution.

Visualization of the trap in context (rendering done by Felix Brunold)
The removable trap element is attached to the stand by means of a bayonet catch (Rendering done by Felxi Brunold)


‹KIM› uses organic materials to trap and remove invasive mosquitoes from public spaces, effectively controlling their population without insecticides. By setting up the traps in an area-wide net, the mosquito population is controlled and kept small in a selective manner. These traps are quick to install, easy to maintain, and aid authorities in long-term population protection. 

Context video (available in German only)

Scroll down for further details about the prototype developed in 2023.

Next steps

As of 2024, KIM is supported by What’s next_Project 2024, Z-Kubator at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).

In collaboration with authorities in Zurich and Basel, the aim is to explore the implementation of «KIM» for mass trapping and develop a unified national mosquito control program. Follow-up steps involve constructing full-scale traps and initiating the testing phase with expert guidance.

Excerpt from the final presentation, 2023